
Friday, March 23, 2012

Shugo Chara! Review: Part 1

I would just like to make it known that I have finally finished watching... the first half of Shugo Chara. XD Ep. 1-26. It's pretty good so far! I used to hate the Amuto pairing, but now I think they're a better match than Tadamu. Normally I hate when people pair up the main character with the bad boy simply BECAUSE he's a bad boy, as if there's something wrong with being a good kid (hello, I freaking love the goody-goody dudes!). Buuutttt Ikuto looks like a good guy, really, he's just perverted. I hate perverts, so I could really do without that aspect but whatevs.

Aside from couples, I was really sad when Kukai graduated... :'( I hope he comes back later because I love him!!! I actually like him better than Tadase now. To be honest, I now only like Tadase when he starts raving about ruling the world (because I'm always falling out of my chair laughing). And then I almost cried when "Nadeshiko" (so awkward...) flew to Europe. Amu was so sad I was like "NOOOOO, AMU, COME HERE!!! I WANT TO HUG YOU!!!!!"

I really liked how the plot started thickening between episodes 21-23, but I didn't like that just an episode  later all we got was a re-cap episode and it's basically like the whole series started over again. Of course, I'm sure that's what they were going for: re-capping and evolving for an easy transition to the next stage in the series. However, it's just very anti-climactic and I feel like I didn't learn anything. I still have no idea what the embryo is, or what the Humpty Lock is for, or why Utau and Ikuto are being used by Easter (heck, I really am not sure what Easter is after, anyway). Explain things to me, please! Fillers are good sometimes, but I need to know these things now!

When I first started watching Shugo Chara a long time ago, I expected it to be a lot like Tokyo Mew Mew. What I found was completely different, yet still enjoyable. Though there are things that tick me off about this show, I always end up coming back for more (the openings and endings being by Hello! Project groups helps, too). I hope the series continues to improve, and I can't wait to watch more!

On a side note, I just figured out that there is a Shugo Chara musical starring... Maeda Yuuka!!!! I need to see this, but I need to finish the anime first! That's another reason why I'm rushing to finish the anime, because I want to see Yuuka-chan act! (P.S., we miss you, Yuuka!)

From here on out I plan to review the past Shugo Chara episodes after every 3 episodes (to correspond with the DVDs) so look forward to more frequent, in-depth reviews!
If there is another anime you want me to review, feel free to request it! Also I'll be trying even harder to keep up with Hello! Project so you may see some posts about them from here-to-there.

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