Oh yeah, I forgot I was supposed to do monthly updates... oops.
Well, here we are. It's November. Thanksgiving is less than a month away and Christmas is soon after! WOOT!
But my blog has been... kinda dead. I've had other interests and responsibilities appear in my life since this school year started, and blogging has been at the bottom of my priority list. So I don't get to post the things I want when I want, and then when I finally get the time, everyone else has already written about it so I feel like I'm too late, and then I just get discouraged and decide not to write anything at all.
I guess once again I set my hopes for this blog too high, which always takes away my motivation after a while.
I'm not saying all this to be depressing or anything. :P I know everyone has some form of writer's block all the time, I just didn't expect it so soon, that's all. And I figured anyone who takes the time to actually read my posts (y'all are awesome!) deserves an explanation for why I haven't posted in nearly two months.
BUT despite all this I refuse to start a formal hiatus for my blog. If I do that I'll have even less motivation, and I'm not ready to give up on this yet.
Oh, by the way, last month I saw my idols Morning Musume in CONCERT! In NEW YORK (my favorite city)! It was one of the most amazing days of my life. I started to write a post the day after, but didn't get to finish it, and well... I definitely waited too long. But it was great; I got to shake hands with the girls (Mizuki called me 'cute'!), talked to some nice people while waiting in line, and added a new CD to my collection. The whole experience definitely made me wanna support them even more. If only I had written my whole blog post about it...
But it can't be helped now. I'll write again whenever I get the motivation and energy. Thanks for reading, everyone, and have a great holiday season. <3